HSC Food Adulteration Paragraph SSC Exam 2023

An In-Depth HSC Food Adulteration Paragraph SSC Exam 2023

It’s clear that having access to pure and safe food is essential for our survival. Our bodies are very sensitive when it comes to what we eat. To maintain good health, it’s crucial to consume a balanced variety of foods. Unfortunately, food adulteration puts our well-being at risk. In this paragraph about food adulteration, we’ll delve into this issue in more detail.

While eating nutritious foods helps us stay healthy, even a small amount of harmful substances, whether for a short or long period, can lead to serious illnesses, and in some cases, even death. When these harmful substances are added to our food without our knowledge, we become victims of the harmful cycle of food adulteration.

Food Adulteration: When Our Food Quality is Manipulated

Food adulteration is essentially the process of altering the true quality of pure foods by adding chemical additives. This practice ranges from incorporating mild chemical preservatives to using extremely harmful substances. It’s happening across various food categories, including poultry, fruits, spices, and even everyday bakery items. The motive behind adding these additives is clear: it’s all about increasing profits. Unfortunately, this problem has been escalating due to the greed of dishonest and unethical businessmen.

Chemical additives are introduced to food products to extend their shelf life. The longer a product maintains its quality, the easier it is to sell to unsuspecting customers. For instance, take mangoes, which are highly perishable. To ensure that all the mangoes produced during the summer are sold before they go bad, businessmen add substances like formalin to prevent spoilage.

But it doesn’t stop there. Fruits are sometimes injected with harmful substances like carbide, one of the most dangerous chemicals for the human body, to make them appear ripe and attractive to consumers. Some unscrupulous individuals inject sugary or colored water into fruits to enhance their taste. Harmful chemical colors are added to everyday items like spices, and even milk is diluted with water to increase its quantity.

In poultry farming, animals are fed harmful substances to boost their size and, subsequently, increase sales. Moreover, expensive products are sometimes diluted with inferior ingredients to maximize profit margins. The reason this nefarious activity is spiraling out of control is due to the lack of stringent government regulations and their effective enforcement.

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Furthermore, identifying foods that have been adulterated isn’t easy throughout the country. Harmful substances like DDT, Aldrin, Formalin, Chlordane, and more are readily available, enabling even small-scale sellers to taint food products. Mobile courts may roam the streets to identify and punish these sellers, but unless the scope of these efforts expands significantly, it’s nearly impossible to eradicate these criminals at their roots.

However, some sellers do offer food products without harmful additives, but these may come at a slightly higher price. Unfortunately, in a middle-income country like Bangladesh, many people may not be willing to pay extra to avoid such risks. Consuming these harmful chemicals in small amounts may not have immediate effects, but they can lead to severe physical damage and diseases like cancer, lung issues, kidney failures, and more in the long run.

A significant portion of our population lives below the poverty line, and most are unaware of the dangerous and lasting consequences of food adulteration. Raising awareness alone may not be enough to persuade them to buy pure goods at higher prices. This is precisely how selfish businessmen are reaping additional profits at the expense of our health and well-being.

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Understanding Food Adulteration: A Message for Students

Food is one of our fundamental needs as humans. It’s vital for our health and well-being, and we expect it to be pure, clean, and fresh. Unfortunately, in recent times, many harmful substances are being added to our food, a practice known as food adulteration. Food adulteration is the deliberate act of making food or drinks impure by mixing them with other substances. It’s a serious crime, driven primarily by greed. Some dishonest and greedy businessmen prioritize profits over humanity and morality.

Food adulteration poses various health risks. Consuming adulterated food can lead to severe and even fatal diseases such as liver cirrhosis, kidney failure, heart disease, infections, and even cancer. Many people may suffer premature deaths as a result of this unscrupulous activity. Identifying and punishing these criminals is crucial, and the government has a significant role to play in curbing this heinous practice. Fortunately, our government has already taken steps to address this problem, punish wrongdoers, and protect our citizens from this harmful practice.


In conclusion, the widespread identification of food adulteration and the establishment of examples through penalties and punishments may be the only way to break free from the destructive cycle of food adulteration.

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